The official site of the sleep-deprived

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Watcher, continued

I really hope you’ll humor me on this one because I’m still stuck on the theme of my last post about “The Watcher.”

As I mentioned previously, many of us are able to wake up at whatever time we designate (right down to the minute) without an alarm clock. The question that’s been keeping me awake lately is that if time is a man-made concept and our conscious minds are asleep, who’s actually watching the clock for us?

Articles I’ve researched on the subject say only that yes, it’s been determined in controlled studies that this is something we should all be able to do. A statement which is always followed by “but it is unclear how the brain keeps track of time,” or “how the brain manages to keep track of the hours is unknown.” Well, my point exactly.

I’m having trouble believing that it’s the brain keeping track of hours via circadian rhythms or hormone levels or whatever. If that were true, how is it that it still works even on the first night of daylight savings time (yet another contrived human invention)?

But now there’s a new twist – instead of just waking up at the prescribed time, the characters in my dreams have started telling me it’s time to get up. They’ll interrupt whoever is speaking to announce “it’s 5:30” (my normal wake-up time). Or if I lie down to take a short nap, I’m warned by a disembodied voice that “okay, it’s been 45 minutes.” I half expect to see an etheric someone standing there with squinty eyes, giving me a motherly finger wag …

If I can learn to compose myself before my eyes pop open – my next step is to unearth some personal information about these timekeepers. Who are you? What are you? Where did you come from? Do you have a name? But most importantly, how did you end up with this thankless job anyway? ;-)


Anonymous said...

Hello Skye,

An experiment you might try is randomly changing your clock with out knowing the difference between real time and changed time - just a few minutes will do - and tell yourself that you want to get up at a specific time by that changed clock, then see if you get up at the real time or the changed time.

It is my opinion that we all can connect to our higher consciousness if we choose to, but to do that we need to create a device that allows us to accept the communication without going coo-coo. This is the value of Tarot cards and the I Ching and other such things. The items themselves have no value except for that we have chosen them to be our ritual of accepting information from that other part of ourselves.

And, it is my experience, that over time, if we pay attention, we can open that connection up to were we no longer need the devices to differentiate information that is coming form here or there. It is an evolutionary thing; first we had to learn how to have conscious memories without reacting to them, then we had to learn how to use our imagination without reacting to it, and now we are learning how to communicate at a higher level without going nuts.

Sorry, for writing so much...

Have nice day.

Skye Alexander said...

Thanks for commenting, Craig. Interesting suggestion...I'll try it. Appreciate your thoughts!

be well, Skye

Anonymous said...

interesting idea - I'll give it a try tonight. Thanks for the suggestion -- I'll let you know what happens!

all the best,

Anonymous said...

Well? Did you get a chance to try it? How did it go?

No worries, just curious..

Anonymous said...

LOL! This comment doesn't need to be posted, but either way.

My attention to detail sometimes astounds me! Only now have I realized that there are two authors on this blog. My apologies Lyndsey.


Skye Alexander said...

Well, I guess it would make it easier if we both put our photos on the blog and included an "About Us" bit. It's under consideration.... Thanks, Craig.

Anonymous said...

hi Craig, thanks for following up. I haven't responded yet because I've run up against something interesting and was waiting to see how it played out. Ever since implementing your suggested experiment, I now wake up a full half hour early each time I try. It's almost like part of me knows I'm messing with it and is sabotaging my efforts. I'll keep trying and let you know if things change!

thanks again for checking in,

Anonymous said...

Hello Lyndsey,

That's Awesome!! this is going to sound weird - if I haven't sounded weird yet ;) - but it is my perspective and experience that our higher consciousness will screw with us to ensure we keep pushing forward. Because if they give direct and clear answers, people tend to stop looking and build religions out of that single answer. So, from my perspective, what you have there is affirmation without confirmation.

Thus, if I may, we know that you have dreams where characters wake you up at certain times, and those times are not connected to some internal clock. So, my next question would be, is this YOUR higher consciousness, or a collective higher consciousness that is waking you up? And the experiment that comes to mind to test that is to have a friend pick a time without telling you, have them consciously ask the higher consciousness to wake you up at that time, and you ask the higher conscious to wake you up at the time your friend picked.

Either way, have fun. :)

Anonymous said...

thanks for the suggestion Craig - I'll give it a try!
